Wednesday, April 28, 2010


This is Lou's grave with artificial flowers that Sue left and the Easter Lilly that I planted at the end. This was a week after I planted them.

I planted an Easter Lilly at the foot of Lou's grave and transplanted some daylillies from the Halsell House down the middle of the Halsell's grave with some placed on either side of the Easter Lilly and the Halsell stone. The lawn maintenance people mowed the next week and mowed the day lillies except for the ones in the middle of the Halsell graves.
Laurie wrote that she didn't know what an Easter Lilly looked like. Here is the one that I planted on Lou's grave. The daylillies next to it have been mowed down.
These are the daylillies planted between Ma and Pa Halsell's graves. The red flowers are artificial.


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