Thursday, March 29, 2007

Tonight Lou took a pain pill at 5:30 that let her dress and go to the newcomers reception dinner of the West Texas Historical Association meeting at Sharon's BBQ in Abilene. She and Dr. Ken Davis were both honored with Honorary Life Member plaques. Lou's was presented by Dr. Lewis Toland, a professor at New Mexico Military Institute. Cheryl Lewis, a nurse from Hamlin and a history researcher of the early buffalo trading in that area, is the current president of the society. We visited with her at our table. Our daughter was one year old when we lived in Hamlin and used their medical services. She knew the doctor that Lou took Kathy to. We got to visit with many old friends and got Lou home to bed by 9. She still has a lot of pain when she jars or makes a quick move with her back. She keeps hoping that the pain will cease and desist. Her appetite is slowly improving but she is still eating small portions.

She is still debating how much of the meeting she will attend tomorrow. There are several sessions she wants to attend and has prepaid for the annual dinner. Her latest decision is to take pain pills that will let her stay through the dinner. But we will see how it goes tomorrow.

We enjoyed watching the rain showers come through all morning. Not a lot of rain. Most of it soaked in, but it was much appreciated. About .5" in all. Brings our weeks total to 2". We are worried because we have seen no swallows returning this year. None have appeared under bridges or at either house. Normally the scout swallows come in about the 20th of March with the families returning by the end of the month. I have bluebird boxes up, but haven't seen any of them at our bird bath.


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