Saturday, March 24, 2007

Yesterday we had our 10 day checkup with Dr. Siadati. He examined Lou's back and could find no cause for her pain other than the healing of the sites. He looked at Xrays taken before we saw him and found no new problems with collapsed disks, so there is no reason for the pain other than the normal healing process. He discussed the biopsy report and informed us that the biopsy was taken during the normal drilling of the hole to insert the balloon for the kyphoplasty, but they cored the hole and sent that specimen for biopsy. He thinks that an inflamed nerve may be causing the pain problem and should ease up with the healing process. Asked about pain medicine that wouldn't cause constipation problems, he told her that aspirin, Tylenol, Ibuprofin, etc. would not cause the problems of the prescription pain medicine.

This morning Lou felt some better. She found that if she can sit in a chair with arm rests that it relieves her back pain. So we moved her chair to the East and moved the rocker/slide chair to her lamp. This works better and she is feeling some better. I think the anesthesia is finally wearing off and the surgery sites are healing. She is still using her back brace during the day.

We are still praying for rain. The goldfish are making love in the pond, but rain has teased us with a trace falling. Can't even float the red marker in the big guage. Lou reads her Bible every morning. I think she is working on John and an old testament book. She also reads Amazing Grace everyday. While we were in the waiting room, and this time we were delighted to go in on time for both the X-rays and the doctor appointment, I read a book for the Library about the life of Thomas A. Edison. A pretty good school book, but he ignored the huge fight Edison had with Westinghouse on providing power for lighting New York City between Edison's DC and Tesla's AC power grids. It would have added an additional interest to the story. But I did learn some new things about Edison. He owned and loved to visit mines in New Jersey to watch the extraction of metal ores.


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