Tuesday, March 20, 2007

The good news today is that Dr. Siadati's office called with the report on the biopsy that was taken during the last surgery. There is no indication that her problem is due to cancer in that area. She is still hurting when she moves that is due to the healing of the incisions and I think is due to anesthesia still in her system. I removed the bandaids this morning after her shower and there was some blood on her gown tonight so the incisions still need some time to heal. I put new bandaids on. She is trying to wean herself off the pain pills because of the side effects, notably constipation. But she is taking them at night to sleep and is sleeping better. For a look at the animation of the surgery look at the site: http://www.spine-health.com/dir/kyph.html that my son, Mark, found.

She still has not gone upstairs to work on her computer so this afternoon I used the laptop to go through the 75 emails that had stacked up since 3/9. We got them down to a few for her to work with when she gets back to work. I was asked tonight at a meeting if she needs food, but she has very little appetite and is eating soup and yogurt and oatmeal. This is again a part of the problem with taking pain pills.


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