Friday, March 09, 2007

The ornamental pears lining Main street in Cross Plains are in full bloom, to match my peach tree. I shouldn't know that because we were scheduled to spend the weekend from Thursday at the Texas State Historical Association in San Antonio. But the pain in Lou's back was too much to let her attend the sessions Friday. We got there Thursday afternoon and Lou encouraged me to attend the Witte Museum tour which I enjoyed and got to see a lot of our friends. I rode the bus out with Sarita Hixson, who grew up with Helen Kleberg Groves children. Apparently she is an Armstrong heir, or at least has ranch holdings adjacent to the King Ranch. We discussed the wind turbines going up there. She is on the TSHA board.

At the Museum Sylvia Mahoney told me that the Trails group is planning a monument at the Witte and another in Bourne. I rode back to the hotel with another board member, Joe Fulton, who is a contractor from Corpus Christi. We talked construction projects. Lou had gotten dressed and was able to walk to the honors banquet where we shared a table with Margaret Waring, the Comanche Librarian and a good friend. A lot of Lou's friends dropped by to sympathize with her. She had a lot of pain and took prescription pain pills to get to sleep. She had a bad night. She is OK in bed but walking is very painful.

This morning she decided she couldn't make the day and we needed to come back home. Because she needed something to eat with her pain medicine I got crackers and OJ downstairs. She insisted that I use one of the breakfast tickets that she had bought ahead. The speaker was Red McCombs, Mr. San Antonio who owns the Spurs and the Minnesota Vikings among all of his automobile dealerships. Bill Wright was there and before the meeting told me about he and his wife both having spine surgery. He blew a disk on a trip to Afghanistan. Don't know how he made it home. He recommended his surgeon in Houston. McCombs told about his collections of artifacts. He loves anything with a story. He told about a search for complete Gatling guns with carraige and ended up buying two. He never worries about the price. He didn't want to, but his wife talked him into buying a ranch. As a result he became a leading purebred Longhorn breeder. Even sold special organic beef for a short time.

After breakfast Lou hosted several friends in the room before she got dressed. Joella Exley came up with Joyce Roach. Joyce volunteered to chair the session Lou was chair of and got Lou's files. She had calls from Paula Marks and Slyvia Grider. Judith Keeling came up from the TT book booth to visit with Lou. We finally left close to noon and drove home. Stopped a DQ in Brady.

Got home about 4 and Lou's back didn't hurt too much riding, but before she got to bed she was in great pain. Took some bufferins. She doesn't hurt in bed, just when she has to get up to walk somewhere. She plans to contact Dr. Siadati Monday. We have had a lot of advice from everyone. The Net says that 80% of Americans have back pain and we have confirmed that. Everyone has a story. We appreciate all the prayers from everyone to help Lou overcome this problem.


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