Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Today our early peach tree bloomed. Does that mean Spring is here?

Yesterday Lou had her first hair appointment since her chemo and she rode in the car without a pillow with no hurting. Her hair dresser said she can do more when it grows another 1/2". Lou felt great and thought everything was going well until later in the day when she bent over a little to pick up something and a sharp pain stabbed her in the back. It was as intense as the first time. She first thought it was just a muscle pull, but now wonders if it is another disk failure. Today she took a lot of strong pain reliever and is ok while sitting, but standing and walking are painful. She didn't walk this morning. The last two mornings she had walked past the front gate and down the highway for aways. We were hoping that the pain would completely disappear, but it didn't.

Because I am also having some pain problems we have arranged for household help every other Tuesday to vacuum, mop and do the bathrooms.

Tomorrow she insists that we go to San Antonio for the Texas State Historical Society meeting where she is chairing a session Friday. She signed us up for the trip to a museum Thursday night and we will see after the trip if she can make that side trip, or just rest at the hotel.

So continue to keep her in your prayers. She is trying to decide whether to ride it out, which is one of the options for back pain management, or have more surgery interventions.


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