Thursday, April 17, 2008

I didn't realize that I hadn't posted recently, but that is good news. Lou is doing better and has been walking every morning. The last two mornings she has reached the Halsell house driveway. Still hasn't walked all the way to look at the spring. This morning a couple of swallows at the Halsell House flew around us to show that they are back. We don't have any up at our house this year.

It has been a good week. Started with the weekend when our daughter came to visit and fix some good food that we have been eating for a couple of days. The week has been full. Monday I had a Library board meeting, deposited the church offering as I am temporary treasurer, bought groceries and forgot some. That afternoon I worked on trying to update my bookkeeping for the church. Lou was worrying about getting her ethics form in and her constant back pain depresses her at times. Tuesday I worked on the church books, went to Cross Plains to get a haircut and go to Kiwanis. I also had scheduled a meeting with the pastor on the bookkeeping. She picked me up after Kiwanis when I left my pickup at the body shop to get the left rear light installed. So the day worked out fairly well. That night I worked a little on Lou's ethics forms unsuccessfully and spent a couple of hours posting up the church books through March for the meeting Wednesday. Wednesday morning I got back on the ethics committee website and found that the form has everything I put in last year in memory, so I got it completed in an hour or so. I prepared church checks that had come in the mail for deposit, took Lou to the bank where we got the ethics forms notarized, in the mail, deposited the church checks, ate lunch at Staghorn where every window had a large Help Wanted sign. We had enough to take some home for the next day.

After my nap I was able to finish the reports that I needed for my meetings that night, emailed them to the pastor who reproduced copies for the meetings and found that everything gets done if you don't worry about it.

This afternoon when we watch TV at 5:30 a storm came through. We got 0.3" rain, some small hail, and the power went off for a few seconds which makes the satellite box reboot. Then the storm got heavy enough to block the satellite for the local stations but not the distant ones. About 6:30 our son, Mark, called from Weatherford to say that they were looking for a safe room in the house because of a tornado coming their way. An hour later he called to say the tornado went south of them but they got golf ball size hail and it clogged his drains that he just built to drain his back yard.

We are getting ready for Texas Institure of Letters annual meeting this weekend. We will skip Friday, but go to Dallas Saturday for the meetings and big awards banquet that night. We wanted to welcome Noel Parsons who has just been elected to membership and see all of Lou's old friends. We will come home Sunday. I will let someone else teach SS class about Daniel in the Lion's den.


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